Thank you, wonderful people and Mike Hopley, for keeping the Wiki clean!
Have an excellent day!
What's on your mind?
Thank you, wonderful people and Mike Hopley, for keeping the Wiki clean!
Have an excellent day!
If you are interested in a better Light Theme, you may provide usable code.
It is best if you demonstrate the code in action on your personal page or link to the specific code lines from other sources.
What do you think about adding redirects for individual augmentations, drones, and weapons so that if these are searched via internal wiki search (and, possibly, 3rd party search engines) can appear closer to the top (or on top of the search bar, in case with the Wiki internal search)?
As of now, if any particular augmentation is searched for, only the main augmentations page shows up (which is expected), but searching for the augment then also requires using the browser's built-in search function (which is a non-problem for me, but might be an inconvenience for some/many).
So I want to add redirects for augmentations first and see how that affects the search experience (simulated).
Adding for weapons and drones would probably require adding disambiguation pages which would contain links to the relevant weapons/drones sections with similar names, e.g. a "Burst Laser" disambig page would have links to Burst Laser I, Burst Laser II, and Burst Laser III sub-sections on the Laser weapons page.
I was trying to create a tool that shows the scrap reward amounts on article pages so that a user would not need to open another page to see the actual numbers.
Take a look at the release candidate examples ("Images as tooltips (dev:WdsTooltips.js)" section).
In terms of the former wide-spread formatting and styling on the wiki, a simple solution would have been to link the low/medium/high word to a corresponding page or section (and, preferably, apply some font color formatting to prevent the links visual "merging" due to being of the default blue color). However, that changes the user focus to a whole different page.
As you noticed, I am fond of using tooltips. While it is absolutely possible to get away without them, they help show the information without the need to scroll down and look for (sub-)notes or clicking on the references links which usually change the focus to another part of the page. Additionally, this WdsTooltips are stated to be fully compatible with mobile devices (though, I didn't test it myself), so it might be of use for phone/tablet users who watch streams or VODs and consult the wiki (though it has less of an impact on streamers, who can open a new tab in a PC browser seamlessly).
Let me know what you think about the release candidate examples and if you have anything against implementing these tooltips across all events pages.
Daily or frequent streams:
Holoshideim (also used to upload streams to YT)
empowers67 (uploads to YT)
Often or usually regular streams:
Crowrevell (uploads to YT)
Irregular (daily during 'subathons', but rarely otherwise) streams:
Rare streams:
• This list includes active FTL streamers whose existence is known to me. Those mentioned here are well-known players with fine reputation and skills.
• Many acknowledged players are not present in the list because, sadly, they do not anymore stream FTL nowadays.
• If you know about any other skillful FTL players who stream the game fairly regularly, you may suggest such people. The content must be SFW. Note that I may not include your suggestion, if anything is not to my liking (you can try let others know of your suggested streamer(s) in your own discussion post, unless it is blatant (self-)promotion). The FTL community members (those who like the game very much and care about the FTL community), on the other hand, are encouraged to let wiki visitors know of their existence and content.
I recently unlocked the stealth cruiser and when i played it it felt kinda weak? maybe im not used to the style of play it requires but any tips/reccomended items would be nice
Edit: im on easy and just started have a total playtime of 30 hours 2 are on the stealth cruiser
Anyone know how to do this for Multiverse mod?
I have been successful in increasing the crew cap on some ships by editing FTL.dat, but there are ships that don't actually have a listing in that file, namely the ships with 8 capacity.
The 8-cap ships are in that file but there's no designation for their crew caps. Not a single ship in that file with that crew count. Tried adding it but then the game won't launch.
The weird thing is, on the ships where there is a crewCount value, you cannot exceed 9 otherwise the game won't launch. Weird because there are ships with lots more than 9 crew-cap in that file.
The slipstream mod manager is not working, Every time clicking patch button shows access is denied
Here we will try to add questions that require profound knowledge and code reverse-engineering to answer. The format of the main post is not finalised yet.
1) Enemy Crystal AI Question. (by A Fandom user)
What exactly determines whenever or not enemy Crystal uses lockdown? It sounds very deadly if they board your ship and kill a crew member without having a Clone Bay.
2) Door System Healthbars. (by A Fandom user)
The website says how many hits it takes to bring them down but drones are said to do it faster. How does damage look behind the scenes?
Do not add questions which have been answered somewhere else on the Wiki in any format (create a separate post instead). If you happen to know the answer, cite the source (data miners, probably, do not need to, but it is better to do so if there is a post or a data snippet).
Individual pages for ship systems and subsystems have been reworked to have "Overview" intro/main section that is used as inclusion for the aggregate page for systems.
Prior to the rework the article pages had different formatting and were bloated with text (often not on the topic). Moreover, the information on the aggregate systems page and on the individual system pages wasn't grouped or presented in the same logical pattern; sometimes the info was scattered along the whole article page and/or lacked essential or complementary data.
Now individual pages can be copyedited in way to avoid work duplication.
The "overview" part of an article page can get shorter, while "detailed" section can be introduced. Or some bulky parts of text can be hidden with a collapsing function.
However, I do prefer to keep as much relevant information in the "overview" part of the articles as they have now.
Thank you guys for working together on this Wiki throughout the whole year! Quite an achievement - a semi-abandoned (small research station [cross-out]) Wiki got new moderators and became better!
All the best to us in the new, 2023, year!!!
Among the most recent changes is renaming some events to have an understandable pattern.
A rename issue has been raised some time ago due to awkwardness of several events titles and their lack of association with the event scenario. This has been addressed to a certain extent, though not completely at that moment.
While browsing through events for the purpose of applying new - concise and color-coded - format, a few events with the same double rewards didn't have template applied and had completely different titles - despite being almost identical, except for enemy ship faction and flavor texts.
In order to show the pattern - and likeness (or difference) between events and the sectors they take place in - I decided to use more practical names for event titles to show just that. Fairly many events have been named in this manner before this rename, but few had titles which could have been more appropriate for somewhat unique events, rather than 'generic' ship fights.
The 'side-effect' is that a handful of familiar events got titles changed, which other players might have been accustomed to, e.g. Rebel ship nearby (now: Rebel fight chance), Stationed Rebel ship (now: Rebel fight choice in nebula), Federation ship in need of aid (now: Rebel attacking Federation loyalists). These were named this way, because they resemble specific groups of similar events and to be distinguished from other event groups. For the purpose of quick navigation among these new titles (and all other altogether), there is events titles legend placed on Random Events page and Complete Events List (categorial) page.
All redirect links have been preserved, but if you can offer and provide a more efficient and elegant solution for events (re)naming - do not hesitate in doing so. And, if some events' new titles are overly awkward (and unusable), do consider returning their previous titles. Events with either new or 'old' titles are all searchable by web search engines and Wiki search, so that shouldn't cause troubles when looking for a familiar event title page (an old title is also shown when an event page is opened).
In summary, new event titles allow to see patterns among the events (as well as event scenarios and rewards) that take place in a certain sector type or in multiple sectors. Optimization or a re-work to serve this or alike purpose is appreciated.
There are some pieces of information and gameplay details that need to be cleared in order to remove any confusion and false statements throughout the Wiki.
One of the cases:
1) Ancient device: the ancient device beacon type marking in Rock Homeworlds.
There are 2 excluding statements:
1) a) this normal beacon turns into quest beacon if you have any crystal crewmember.
1) b) this normal beacon turns into quest beacon only if you have Ruwen (from a Damaged Statis Pod).
The event page was edited in 2019 by Theepicsworder to become 1) a).
A connected achievement page (Ancestry) was most recently edited by a new Fandom user to represent 1) b) variant.
Earlier, Theepicsworder stated some erroneous information (heavy laser speed, hull laser speed), so that brings some doubt for data validity.
On the other hand, the new user made the only edit, so not much credibility either, but the edit incites the verification.
I couldn't find any supportive information of either statement in the datafiles. Perhaps, I missed a specific events-marking logic or hidden hints.
What do you @TheDragonFire @Mike Hopley think (or know) about the ancient device beacon type marking in Rock Homeworlds?
@Mike Hopley @TheDragonFire @ThePlaybyPlay
Now that event titles have been switched to sentence case and some events have been renamed, there a few actual proposals for some more changes.
There is a group of events with Default Rewards rewards. Many of those are named like "'Faction' fight" (e.g. Rebel fight, Rock fight, etc). Most, if not all, of them have unavoidable fights.
So, to make event names obvious for those who are browsing through categories, all these events with UNAVOIDABLE FIGHTS should have word "fight", if it is not a somewhat unique event. Though many of such events have been named properly long ago, many others alike have been left out.
E.g., rename:
Mantis venture close to sun -> Mantis fight near sun
Mantis in nebula ->Mantis fight in nebula
Auto-ship in asteroid belt -> Auto-ship fight in asteroid field
I have other propositions, which I will post afterwards in separate messages.
Many fight with Lanius ship yield rewards similar to Default rewards. There is a template used for that - Template:Fight a Lanius ship.
Instead of being used as a link to rewards page, e.g.
"Fight a Rebel ship (default rewards).",
these rewards, in a form of template, can take up more than half of the event page, e.g. Lanius fight in asteroid field.
A propose to 'move' the lanius rewards (possible use the template directly or extract its contents) to Rewards page as a section or a subsection, and use a common line for default rewards in the events. E.g.:
"Fight a Lanius ship (default lanius rewards)."
Perhaps, this page should have info on the best practice used, not just any possible.
E.g. the most recent edit by a random user. Without really special setup and some restrictions to overcome, the advice is harmful. It doesn't have description (preferably short) to make it useful at all, instead of being disastrous.
A notes (sub)section can be added for specific and effective strategies. Or these can be implemented in the existing sections, among lists and common text.
E.g. the Stun Bomb + 4-crew boarding strategy (used by Mike Hopley) requires finesse, but annihilates the Flagship with otherwise totally garbage 'weapon'.
Now compare it to the most recent 'environment hazard' 'strategy' added. That's beyond despair.
An infojunk heap - is the state, which this Wiki was and being pulled out.
Looking through different content pages at the Wiki, the Rebel Fleet page came to my attention.
It still has some points that need to be cleared out. So do you happen to know answers to these question?
1) Does this game bug still occur in the game?
"There is a glitch where this beacon will never be an ion storm even on a previously nebula beacon. Revisiting the beacon repeatedly will always grant 4 fuel and the same event regardless of whether the player need the fuel. This can be exploited in order to gain absurd amounts of fuel."
(the glitch note was left for this paragraph:
"If you are out of fuel and the Rebels capture the beacon you are at, the event text will be different, and destroying the Rebel Elite Fighter will yield 4 fuel as opposed to 1.")
If this glitch is still in the game, then I am planning to move it to the Game Bugs page. Or if there is no confirmation or refutation, I would comment the glitch note to be tested and proofed/disproofed before uncommenting it.
2) What happens to the beacon (ASB / ion storm) when a player is with no fuel at a nebula non-exit beacon and then it gets overtaken by Rebel Fleet?
What happens to the beacon (ASB / ion storm) when a player jumps to a nebula non-exit beacon already overtaken by Rebel Fleet and then happens to be out of fuel?
In my game experience (only 1 such out-of-fuel run in a nebula): being at the nebula exit beacon without fuel changed the beacon environment to ASB with Rebel Elite Fighter charging its FTL (and reward for destroying the ship was 4 fuel IIRC).
So, I suspect the same beacon environment / event change would occur in those 2 cases as well.
@Mike Hopley, @TheDragonFire @others interested in Wiki
Hello there!
Browsing through extensive reward lists with tons of white text sometimes makes it hard to see usually the most beneficial rewards, e.g. a crew/weapon/drone schematic/hull repair/store/rebel fleet delay. Same issue is with crew loss, hull and system damage, rebel advance - a person who's reading has to go through the whole line slowly and monotonously.
A mitigation to this has been applied - to lines with reward/consequence text - in a form of putting links to key words (crewmember, stores, scrap, scrap + ..., etc) and applying bold text weight to the numbers (for hull, turns).
Still, by looking at most of those reward/consequence lines it is required to read them all or at least look at them with some concentration.
On the contrary, 'highlighting' in a form of applying e.g. 'green' text color for e.g. "receive" word for crew/weapon/drone/hull repair/etc rewards (or outcomes) lines, - which differ from more regular scrap (scrap + resources, etc) reward lines, - will allow to see the desired reward outcome quickly; or be warned of a negative consequence in case of applying e.g. 'red' text color for damage/lose/rebel advance.
I applied text color to some of the lines of Template:Save_the_Civilian_Ship. A complete variant will be put to FTL Faster Than Light Wiki:Test page later.
What do you think about this initiative?
Edit: misprints due to copy-paste weird fandom functionality.
There are instances when sectors 'locations' (Wiki template word) for events need to be checked and confirmed.
E.g.: Slug and Rock standoff.
As of 13 March 2016 only 2 sectors are listed among possible ones for event to take place: Rock Controlled Sector and Rock Homeworlds. Zrt22 had Slugs sectors removed on the basis of "This event is called "ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT" in the datafiles and can also be found as the "Slug and Rock Standoff in Nebula" random event in other sectors."
What I see in the "newEvents.xml" file is this comment (after a starting code line) for this event:
<event name="ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT" unique="true"> <!-- in slug and rock neutrals-->
Search thru game data files gives these results:
<event load="ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT"/> <!--DLC - newEvents-->
<event load="ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT_NEBULA"/> <!-- DLC - newEvents-->
<event name="ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT_NEBULA" unique="true">
<text id="event_ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT_NEBULA_text"/>
<text id="event_ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT_NEBULA_c1_choice"/>
<event load="ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT"/>
So that event load line actually calls the "ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT" event, hence, these 2 are separate events or more like the slug nebula one is a slight variation of the "ROCK_SLUG_ARGUMENT", but still a separate one. I don't know for sure about this, so, if possible, clarify this to me.
The question: is it correct to leave Slug Controlled Nebula (and add Slug Home Nebula) in the 'locations' for the Slug and Rock standoff event - an edit was made by a random user and another comment as well?
I think we should use Discussions ( feature instead of Talk pages - as in example of
That way Wiki pages won't be cluttered with non-content info communications mixed with the actual data content.
Maybe incorporate this into one of the Rules and also disable Talk pages functionality (if that's even possible) all along?