Blue Options are choices within Random Encounters and Events that can be selected only if your ship has the required equipment, crew, or system upgrades. Blue options often have more favorable outcomes than their counterparts.
Events with 'blue options' are sorted below by their requirements. Note that the blue option choices are sometimes named slightly differently in-game, and the events pages often contain the sic! examples of these notations.
Backup DNA Bank[]
Damaged Stasis Pod[]
Distraction Buoys[]
Engi Med-bot Dispersal[]
Lifeform Scanner[]
- Drifting debris
- Rebel ship in nebula (equivalent of Long-Ranged Scanners or Sensors-3)
- Small research station with no response
Long-Ranged Scanners[]
- Destroyed cargo ship (equivalent of Sensors 2-3)
- Encrypted federation signal (equivalent of Sensors-3 at Hidden Federation Base)
- Engi distress call (equivalent of Sensors-3 at Hidden Federation Base; Engi crew is a preliminary requirement)
- Engi research station (equivalent of Sensors 2-3)
- Federation ship in need of aid (equivalent of Sensors-3 at Hidden Federation Base)
- Heavily damaged Federation ship (inferior to Crew Teleporter blue option)
- Prepare to dock (equivalent of Sensors-3)
- Rebel ship in nebula (equivalent of Lifeform Scanner or Sensors-3)
- Small asteroid belt distress beacon (equivalent of Sensors-3 at Hidden Federation Base)
Rock Plating[]
- Dense asteroid field distress call (Unlock Crystal Cruiser)
- Mantis ship with Rock body parts
- Small asteroid belt distress beacon
Scrap Recovery Arm[]
Crystal crew[]
- Ancient device
- Crystal civilian question
- Crystalline cache (equivalent of Breach Missiles)
Engi crew[]
- Engi distress call
- Engi fleet discussion (Unlocks Stealth Cruiser)
- Malfunctioning defense system (equivalent of Ion weapon or Cloaking-3)
- Nebula seen ships exchange fire (equivalent to a standard correct answer)
- Refugee ship trading for scrap
- The Engi virus
- Two smashed Engi ships
- Unknown disease on mining colony (equivalent of Rockman crew)
Human crew[]
Lanius crew[]
- Civilians fleeing from Lanius
- Civilians under fire from Lanius
- Lanius absorbing jump beacon
- Lanius absorbing rebel base
- Lanius salvaging
- Lanius scavenger trader
- Merchant docked with Lanius
- Powered-down Lanius vessel
- Science craft docked with Lanius
- Space station under construction
- The Engi virus
Mantis crew[]
- Confused Mantis
- Legendary thief KazaaakplethKilik (Unlock Mantis Cruiser) (serves only for Diplomatic Immunity achievement)
- Slug oxygen malfunction
Rockman crew[]
- Crystalline research facility
- Fire on small research station
- Mantis ship with Rock body parts (serves only for Diplomatic Immunity achievement)
- Rock armoured transport
- Slug drink
- Unknown disease on mining colony (equivalent of Engi crew)
Slug crew[]
- Disabled Rock transport
- Intelligent lifeform on planet
- Nebula seen ships exchange fire
- Pirate ship selling drones (serves only for Diplomatic Immunity achievement)
- Poorly armed Slug ship
- Single life form on moon
- Slug Home Nebula surrender (Unlock Slug Cruiser)
- Slug transport with military escort (advice role only)
- The Black Raven
- Zoltan security checkpoint (equivalent of Mind Control)
Zoltan crew[]
- Federation terraforming team C12 (equivalent of Sensors 2-3)
- Zoltan trade hub
Anti-Personnel Drone []
Anti-Ship Fire Drone []
Beam Drone []
- Auto-ship sits dormant
- Crushed pirate (equivalent of Beam weapon or Artillery Beam)
- Rock live mine
Boarding Drone []
Combat Drone []
Defense Drone []
- Small asteroid belt distress beacon (equivalent of Repair Drone)
Hull Repair Drone []
- Fuel Engi ship repair
- Lanius absorbing jump beacon
- Mantis ships battle for Rock freighter [no benefit]
System Repair Drone []
- Fire on small research station
- Mantis ships battle for Rock freighter
- Small asteroid belt distress beacon (equivalent of Defense Drone)
Artillery Beam[]
- Crushed pirate (equivalent of Beam weapon or Beam Drone)
- Auto-ship fight in plasma storm (equivalent of Engines 6-8)
- Auto-ship near small space-station (Lv 1 equivalent of Hacking-1; Lv 2-3 equivalent of Hacking 2-3)
- Auto-ship near storage vessel
- Malfunctioning defense system (Lv 3 equivalent of Ion weapon or Engi crew)
- Mantis ship doesn't see you
- Prepare to dock
- Stationed Rebel ship
Clone Bay[]
- Abandoned space station
- Legendary thief KazaaakplethKilik (Unlock Mantis Cruiser) (Lv 2-3 equivalent of Medbay 2-3)
- Nebula seen ships exchange fire (Lv 1-3 equivalent of Medbay 2-3)
- Single life form on moon (Lv 2-3 equivalent of Medbay 2-3 in one of scenarios)
- Space station under construction
Crew Teleporter[]
- Auto-ship near sensor station
- Crystalline cache (level 2+)
- Federation ship in need of aid (similar to Healing Burst in one of outcomes/rewards)
- Friendly slaver (level 2+)
- Heavily damaged Federation ship (superior to Long-Ranged Scanners)
- Legendary thief KazaaakplethKilik (Unlock Mantis Cruiser) (equivalent of Sensors-3)
- Merchant's request (negative crew loss option in one of scenarios in Merchant's Delivery, filler effect/no benefit in one of scenarios in Merchant's Investigation)
- Small asteroid belt distress beacon
- Small research station with no response (negative crew loss option in one of scenarios)
- Unencrypted communication channel (equivalent of Anti-Bio Beam or Fire Bomb)
- Zoltan trade hub
Door System[]
Drone Control[]
- Pirate ship selling drones [not a blue option per se, but serves the same purpose]
- Auto-ship fight in plasma storm (Lv 6-8 equivalent of Cloaking 1-3)
- Crystalline cache
- Pirate slaver
- Stationed Rebel ship
- Rock live mine
- Auto-ship carrying shield virus
- Auto-ship near small space-station (Lv 1 equivalent of Cloaking-1, Lv 2-3 equivalent of Cloaking 2-3)
- Auto-ship sits dormant
- Dangerous-looking ship
- Human boarders jammed sensors
- Pirate engine hacker
- Pirate ship selling drones
- Slug disable door system
- Slug sabotage medical unit
- Slug sabotage oxygen system
- The Engi virus
- Damaged space station (Lv 2-3 for crew safety in one of scenarios)
- Legendary thief KazaaakplethKilik (Unlock Mantis Cruiser) (Lv 2-3 equivalent of Clone Bay 2-3)
- Merchant's request (Lv 2 for crew safety and Lv 3 for crew reward in some scenarios in Merchant's Delivery)
- Nebula seen ships exchange fire (Lv 2-3 equivalent of Clone Bay 1-3)
- Single life form on moon (caveman encounter: Lv 1 for crew safety in one of scenarios and Lv 2-3 for crew reward in one of the other scenarios)
- Slug sabotage medical unit
- Small research station with no response (Lv 2 for crew safety in one of scenarios and Lv 3 for crew reward in one of the other scenarios)
- Unknown disease on mining colony (equivalent of Engi crew or Rockman crew)
- Zoltan research facility (Lv 3 for drone schematics reward)
Mind Control[]
- Black market weapons trader
- Confused Mantis (superior to Mantis crew blue option)
- Large trade station
- Merchant's request
- Zoltan security checkpoint (equivalent of Slug crew)
- Dangerous-looking ship [not a blue option per se, but serves the same purpose]
- Slug sabotage oxygen system
- Auto-ship near sensor station
- Brutal exchange between several ships
- Deactivated Auto-ship
- Destroyed cargo ship (equivalent of Long-Ranged Scanners)
- Encrypted federation signal (Lv 3 equivalent of Long-Ranged Scanners at Hidden Federation Base)
- Engi distress call (Lv 3 equivalent of Long-Ranged Scanners at Hidden Federation Base; Engi crew is a preliminary requirement)
- Engi research station (Lv 2-3 equivalent of Long-Ranged Scanners)
- Federation ship in need of aid (Lv 3 equivalent of Long-Ranged Scanners at Hidden Federation Base)
- Federation terraforming team C12 (equivalent of Zoltan crew)
- Legendary thief KazaaakplethKilik (Unlock Mantis Cruiser) (Lv 3 equivalent of Crew Teleporter 1-3)
- Prepare to dock (Lv 3 equivalent of Long-Ranged Scanners)
- Rebel ship in nebula (Lv 3 equivalent of Long-Ranged Scanners or Lifeform Scanners)
- Rebel ship nearby
- Refueling platform garbled broadcast
- Rock deserters (Lv 2-3 for crew reward)
- Slug Home Nebula surrender (Unlock Slug Cruiser) (Lv 2-3 equivalent of Slug crew at quest marker after ship surrender)
- Small asteroid belt distress beacon (Lv 3 equivalent of Long-Ranged Scanners at Hidden Federation Base)
Weapon Control[]
Anti-Bio Beam[]
- Giant alien spiders
- Unencrypted communication channel (equivalent of Fire Bomb or Crew Teleporter)
Beam weapon[]
- Crushed pirate (equivalent of Beam Drone or Artillery Beam)
Breach Missiles[]
- Crystalline cache (equivalent of Crystal crew)
Fire Beam[]
- Remote settlement (equivalent of Fire Bomb)
Fire Bomb[]
- Mantis war camp
- Remote settlement (equivalent of Fire Beam)
- Unencrypted communication channel (equivalent of Anti-Bio Beam or Crew Teleporter)
Healing Burst[]
- Federation ship in need of aid (similar to Crew Teleporter in one of outcomes/rewards)
Ion weapon[]
- Malfunctioning defense system (equivalent of Cloaking-3 or Engi crew)