FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki
FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki

This page contains categories of events which have hazards and risks for a player's ship, crew, and resources.

  • Hazard: An event where one or more (or possibly all) event paths will lead to a guaranteed negative outcome (such as ship damage, forcing an environmental hazard, or crew loss).
    • Example of an event where one event path leads to a negative outcome: Rebel ship warning (if you allow the ship to jump away, an unavoidable fleet pursuit double will occur, but can be avoided by destroying the ship or killing its crew).
    • Example of an event where all paths lead to a negative outcome: Rock pirate in asteroid field (a fight in an asteroid field is unavoidable).
  • Risk: An event where one or more (or possibly all) event paths have a chance to incur a negative outcome.
    • Example of an event where one event path has a chance of a negative outcome: Giant alien spiders (choosing to help the station has a 50% chance to kill crew, but can be avoided by declining to help).
    • Example of an event where all event paths have an unavoidable chance for a negative outcome: Mantis fugitive (choosing to side with the Mantis has a 50% chance of hull damage, but siding with the Engi has a 33.3% chance of hull damage; no paths to avoid any rolls for hull damage exist).

Note that certain equipment (systems, weapons, drones, or augmentations) and crew can reduce or help avoid the damage or even grant a beneficial reward. However, the events are grouped assuming none of these are available for the player at the moment.

This page also includes groups of events with environmental hazards and events with scripted escape of enemy ships.

All items (21)
