This page describes content that only appears in Advanced Edition. |
Automatically clones dead crew with skill penalty. Taking advantage of micro-cloning, crew heals partially every jump. Jump heal is passive and requires no power.
- Revives dead crewmembers after several seconds with a 20% skill penalty (but only 1 point of combat experience is lost).
- The cloning starts immediately after the crew dying animation is over. (animation duration: 2 seconds for Rock, Crystal, and Engi; 1.8 seconds for Humans, Slugs, and Lanius; 1.7 seconds for Mantis; 1.5 seconds for Zoltans)
- Multiple dead crewmembers can be queued for revival, one-by-one: whatever crew dies earlier is the first one to be in the beginning of the cloning queue. The crew order in the cloning queue cannot be altered.
- Portraits of the crew in the cloning queue are shown above the system icon. Up to 3 portraits are shown; if the crew quantity in the cloning queue exceeds 3, then only 2 portraits will be shown as the 3rd portrait is substituted by the "+number" of other crew in the queue. The crew whose portrait is closest to the Clone Bay system icon will be revived first.
- Clone Bay won't revive crew (i.e. a dead crewmember will be permanently lost), if:
- The Clone Bay is offline for 3 seconds, unless Backup DNA Bank augmentation (available for player only) is installed. The warning sound will notify you if the Clone Bay is offline and the crew clones are being erased. The crew clone loss progression is preserved between jumps. The crew clone, who entered the Clone Bay last (i.e. positioned farthest from the Clone Bay system icon), will be lost first.
- Clone Bay will not revive your crew left on the enemy ship, whether you or the enemy jumps away. (but your crew aboard the destroyed Flagship in phase 1 and 2 will be revived)
- Clone Bay does not need to be powered to activate the jump heal, but won't heal crew if it is fully ionized or destroyed. Waiting at a beacon applies the jump heal effect.
- Full-HP healing options for heavily damaged crew:
- Suffocate non-Lanius crew.
- Destroy the enemy ship while your crew is aboard it.
- Let the enemy crew kill your Lanius while it is moving.
- Bomb and fire-damage Lanius crew on your ship. (increase the oxygen supply to boost the fires spreading, preferably in a 4-tile room, or to prevent/postpone the O2 loss (fires start to die at less than 10% oxygen in a room))
- Fire-damage your Lanius aboard enemy ship engulfed with fires (oxygen supply is not shut off on enemy ships after a fight is over).
- Kill your Lanius with enemy Zoltans explosions (also works after the enemy surrenders, moreso the suffocating enemy crew will not move out of the room; enemy Clone Bay guarantees the desired result).
- Use Healing Burst. (requires 1 missile ammunition)
- Use Reconstructive Teleport augmentation. (the heal is applied for the teleporting crew only)
- Clone Bay in random events:
- If the enemy ship's crew is dead, the battle will continue until their Clone Bay is destroyed.
- If the Clone Bay is destroyed while at least one enemy crew is alive, the crew dying animation must complete for the fight to be over. The fight will be over despite the enemy having an operational System Repair Drone being able to potentially repair the Clone Bay in time. (i.e. the enemy cloning queue is purged instantly when there are no live crew left and the Clone Bay is destroyed, contrary to a 3-second crew loss process applied to player's crew)
- If the Clone Bay is destroyed when there is no live enemy crew, the fight ends immediately.
- Upgrading the system reduces the cloning time and increases the jump heal.
- You can have either a Clone Bay or a Medbay installed, not both. But it is possible to switch between them at a store; switching will inherit the upgrade level of the other system.
- On playable ships: a 4-tile Clone Bay room can accommodate 3 crew, while a 2-tile Clone Bay room can only accommodate 1 crew (Medbay can accommodate no less than 2 crew).
Tips & guides[]
System upgrades[]
Level | Cost | Cloning | Healing effect |
1 | 50 | 12 sec | 8 HP |
2 | 35 | 9 sec | 16 HP |
3 | 45 | 7 sec | 25 HP |