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Crew races

Each ship can carry a maximum of eight crewmembers. Each ship starts with some crew on-board, and the rest can be hired or bought, or rewarded in different events. Crewmembers may belong to different distinct races.

Crew races[]

There are 8 crew races in the game, one of which requires enabling Advanced Edition Content (Lanius).


Humans are common and uninteresting.
MaleHuman1 MaleHuman-2 MaleHuman-3MaleHuman3 
FemaleHuman1   FemaleHuman-2 FemaleHuman-3   FemaleHuman3

Hailing from Earth, Humans are one of the most common races in the galaxy. Humans comprise the majority of the Galactic Federation and all the Rebellion. Humans learn skills faster due to their reduced XP ability, have no notable weaknesses and are the cheapest race to hire. Additionally, they are the only race with unique male and female sprites; neither have any skillful advantage over the other.

Race characteristics
  • -10% experience requirements
Skill XP/level Human XP/level
PilotingSkill Piloting
EnginesSkill Engines
Skill XP/level Human XP/level
ShieldsSkill Shields
WeaponsSkill Weapons
Skill XP/level Human XP/level
RepairSkill Repair
CombatSkill Combat
Blue options


It's unclear if the 'Engi' are partly organic or entirely mechanical, but it's well known that they make exceptional engineers.

Official Engi artwork from the FTL Kickstarter page

Though their inhabited worlds are well known, the origins of the emotionless Engi are a mystery. The majority of their bodies are made from nanomachines, giving the illusion of a silvery metallic 'skin.' At their construction yards, the Engi are seen working together to form massive organic machines adept at building ships, although they mostly mantain a bipedal appearence otherwise.

Their culture revolves around traditional social interactions. The Engi also wield powerful knowledge of machinery, and are gifted mechanics — especially when they're only expected to service and repair comparatively primitive human technology.

While the Engi are extremely intelligent, their primarily robotic bodies are very fragile. The delicate and very technical inner workings of an Engi are not nearly as rugged as regular organic material, like that found in humans. As a result, Engi usually make poor fighters; however, their immaculate knowledge of mechanics coupled with their immunity to most diseases can make them excellent allies.

The many scientific anomalies of Engi have been endless points of contention for human scientists; they argue incessantly over whether Engi are organic lifeforms by definition, or sentient machines. Despite their unique composition, Engi still require oxygen to survive. Most accept the explanation that they're simply a bridge between organic and robotic.

Despite a nonaggression pact with the Rebels, the Engi are the strongest supporters of the Galactic Federation, and have been secretly aiding them whenever possible. They consider restoring the Federation to be the highest priority. The Federation outsourced designing of their new Stealth Cruiser to the Engi. In addition to the Federation, the Engi are allies of the Zoltan. Since the collapse of the Federation, they have been preyed upon incessantly by the Mantis, who regard them as ideal slaves. Many Mantis ships have Engi crew members, possibly slaves, compensating for the Mantis' poor repair abilities.

Despite being mostly made up of nanobots, Engi can still suffocate and die from lack of oxygen.

Besides their advanced Med-bot Dispersal device, Engi often make use of drones in combat situations, though only of the defensive type.

Engi as crewmembers are most useful as repair crew.

Race characteristics
  • Repair speed: 200% (system repairs, hull breaches sealing, fire-fighting)
  • Combat damage: 50%
Blue options


The Mantis disregard for individual lives led to their evolution as a vicious warrior race.
Mantis1 Mantis2 Mantis3 Mantis4 Mantis5

The violent and hostile Mantis appear, to Humans anyway, to resemble man-sized Praying Mantes, although they are much more aggressive than their namesakes. Whereas praying mantes kill prey merely to survive, the much larger and more intelligent Mantis race kill remorselessly to suit their own personal agendas — usually without survival as a concern, making for a pitiless and brutal insectoid warrior species. While humans and most other species have manufactured handheld weaponry to utilize in combat, the Mantis usually default to their agility and sharpened exoskeletal appendages to tear through their enemies, and their skill as warriors goes almost unchallenged in 1v1 combat, even against the rock species. The Mantis also possess extremely acidic saliva which can burn through flesh and melt most metal alloys. While Mantis excel at combat, especially personal combat, they are the least adept of all the races at technical repairs. They have overcome this problem by frequently taking Engi slaves. Engi slaves can be found on a majority of their bases and ships. Though some individual Mantes have been known to work with the Galactic Federation, the race as a whole tends to be deceptive, opportunistic, and untrustworthy, and can commonly be found piloting their signature style of well-armed spacecraft, hunting down weaker enemies in pursuit of their belongings. Human children are told tales of their red ships, and of the Mantis invasion of Earth.

Mantis are best used as boarding crew, as their increased damage and increased movement speed allow them to disrupt and destroy enemy systems and crew. They are also great at repelling boarders from your own ship, as they can arrive at their location quickly and either kill the crew before they can teleport back, or induce them to return quickly.

Race characteristics
  • Repair speed: 50% (system repairs, hull breaches sealing, fire-fighting)
  • Combat damage: 150%
  • Movement speed: 120%
Blue options


The 'Rockmen' of Vrachos IV are rarely seen and are known for their fortitude.
Rockmen1 Rockmen2 Rockmen3 Rockmen4

The Rockmen, as they have been nicknamed by humans, are called so because of their unique skin, which, according to scientific experiments, can be nearly as hard and rugged as solid rock. Additionally, the Rockmen are extremely well-conditioned and physically strong to compensate for their thick rock-like skin, giving them an astounding resilience. As a result of their physical attributes, the Rockmen have evolved throughout their race's existence into a warrior race which values personal strength and martial prowess over nearly everything else. While the Rockmen are generally not an adventurous race, and can only be consistently located within their own territories' borders, the Rockmen are liable to open fire on any ship they encounter that they aren't familiar with. Still, there are always exceptions to the rule, and having Rockmen crew can be very beneficial. Also, from random occurrences, some Rockmen seem to be quite religious.

Their increased health make them useful as both defense and boarding crew, as they can outlast any other race in one on one combat, except for the Mantis, unless they are experienced combatants. Their extra health is also great for fixing hull breaches since they take longer to suffocate. Their immunity to fire obviously makes them perfect for putting out fires, and Rockmen can be devastating to enemy crew when boarding enemy ships in conjunction with fire weapons. However, their poor speed makes it hard for them to respond quickly in urgent situations.

The Rockmen are the only alien race whose homeworld is canonically mentioned by name. The Rockmen are described as xenophobic, though are tolerant of the wisdom of the Zoltan. A store in Rock Space is established in an abandoned capital ship by a few Zoltan.

Race characteristics
  • Hitpoints: 150
  • Movement speed: 50%
  • Fire-fighting speed: 167%
  • Immune to fire
Blue options


The 'Zoltan' are allies of the 'Engi'. Their innate energy can power ship systems.
Zoltan1 Zoltan2 Zoltan3 Zoltan4 Zoltan5

With the majority of their bodies composed of pure, harnessable energy, the Zoltan are ambivalent towards the Galactic Federation. Whilst a deeply officious and obtuse people, they generally favour diplomacy over acts of aggression and are known for being fair and just in their dealings with others. Although they inhabit their own home systems, Zoltans often appear in Engi Homeworlds and Engi-Controlled Sectors due to their alliance with the Engi.

Being ingenious experts of technology, the Zoltan race pioneered a unique ship-based shielding technology which can be found on nearly every Zoltan vessel. These shields are very difficult to breach, however they cannot regenerate during a battle - unless a Shield Overcharger drone is deployed. Therefore, once they are impacted by enemy fire enough to deactivate them, Zoltan vessels must rely on conventional shielding systems.

The Zoltan ability provides a single block of power to the ship system whose corresponding room they are currently standing in (no effect on subsystems). This is especially useful in reduced-power battles, or in battles against ships with ion weapons, as their energy cannot be blocked by the ion effect. For example, having two Zoltan in the shield system room will ensure that your ship will always have at least one layer of shields active at any time. The addition of Zoltan-provided power means maximum reactor power can be exceeded.

The Zoltan ability can also be used to "clean" power. Cloaking, Hacking, Crew Teleporter, and Mind Control systems require a cooldown period after use that locks power into that system. By walking a Zoltan into a room with a system in cooldown, one of the power bars will turn from blue (cooldown) to yellow (Zoltan power). Leaving the room will empty the power bar, allowing that unit of power to be utilized elsewhere while the system is cooling down.

In Weapon Control and Drone Control systems, Zoltans provide power starting with the highest priority module (the left-most slot), and their power can only be redistributed by changing the priority of the modules.

Race characteristics
  • Hitpoints: 70
  • Explodes upon dying and deals 15 HP damage to all enemy crew in the room
    • Damage to drones is halved (full-HP drones will be shown missing 8 HP, however, a drone actually loses only 7.5 HP - it is how the game rounds down the decimal values)
    • No damage to allies, if the exploding Zoltan was mind-controlled
  • Adds 1 zoltan (yellow) power bar to an occupied system or replaces 1 reactor (green) power bar in a system; subsystems are unaffected. Adds to or replaces the top-most system power block (with few exceptions)
    • Weapon Control and Drone Control:
      • Weapons and drones are powered by Zoltans from the left-most weapons/drones slots (i.e. from the bottom, contrary to the game visuals)
      • Leaving the room without enough spare reactor power will de-power the weapons/drones from the left-most slots
      • If Zoltans' power is not enough to fully power the left-most weapons/drones when there is no spare reactor power available, these weapons/drones will not be operational and must be swapped to another slot (it is also possible to have maximum power in the Weapon/Drone Control system and not be able to use some of the - or, in certain cases, any - weapons/drones, which otherwise could be normally powered with reactor power, e.g.: 2 zoltans in Weapon Control level 4 system with enough spare reactor power, slot 1 Vulcan, slot 2 Burst Laser I, slot 3 Charge Laser - only slot 2 or slot 3 weapon will be operational despite the system being completely filled with power; either slot 2 or slot 3 weapon needs to replace the slot 1 Vulcan in order to be able to power both Burst Laser I and Charge Laser)
      • Fully powering the left-most weapons/drones slots with zoltan power will keep the weapons/drones online providing the ion-proofing effect. While fully powering a weapon has almost no downsides, in case when a drone schematic is deployed, the drone cannot be manually de-powered (to be efficiently or safely used) - the manual control can be regained when the zoltans stop fully powering the drone schematic solely by their zoltan power
      • With Zoltans in the Weapon/Drone Control, the weapons/drones in the left-most slots can become depowered when other weapons/drones get positioned in these slots if there is not enough cumulative power in the system or not enough spare reactor power for both of these weapons/drones. (example: 1 zoltan and 2 reactor power are powering slot 1 Halberd in Weapon Control level 4 system, slot 2 Leto is unpowered due to lack of reactor; if slot 2 Leto is moved into slot 1, the Halberd goes offline)
    • Shields system:
      • 1 Zoltan can fill power into a buffer (uneven system power level)
      • 2 Zoltans replace the reactor power in pair and unable to fill into a buffer
  • Adds, removes, or replaces power from ion-locked systems (depending on the system)
    • Adds power if a system has no power or if there are unfilled system power levels due to partial ionization of Shields, Engines, Medbay/Clonebay, Oxygen.
    • Removes power by passing through (or leaving the room) when as many Zoltans pass through the room as there are power levels in a system. (common use examples: freeing up reactor power from systems on cooldown - Cloaking, Mind Control, and Hacking, usually leaving 1 power bar to keep the passive disruption debuffs vs enemy ships; e.g. 2 zoltans can free up only 2 reactor power from a previously fully powered level 3 self-ionizing system)
    • Replaces regular reactor power
      • When entering Weapon/Drone Control system rooms
      • When as many Zoltans enter and stay in the room as there are power levels in Shields, Engines, Medbay/Clonebay, Oxygen, and other systems.
  • Can "ion-proof" most systems by providing zoltan power and enabling the functioning of the systems
    • The ion-lock status, preventing manning the system console, is not removed, and ion damage can accumulate up to a maximum of 5 if the system continues to get ionized
    • Cloaking, Hacking, Mind Control, and Crew Teleporter cannot be activated if they are ionized
    • Mind Control system with a Zoltan will not shutdown if it gets ionized by external factors. (system power levels not filled with zoltan power can get ionize, thus, reducing the maximum MC effect and duration)
    • Hacking cannot be ion-proofed with zoltan power - the hacking disruption gets interrupted and the systems enters cooldown equivalent to the ion damage received. (number of Zoltans occupying the room doesn't affect the outcome - 1 ion damage is enough to shutdown a level 3 Hacking pulse)
Blue options


These telepathic Slugs were shunned in the Galactic Federation for their constant thievery and attempts at manipulation.
Slug1 Slug2 Slug3 Slug4 Slug5 Slug6

The xenophobic, leisurely Slugs are the third rarest race in the galaxy, behind the mythical Crystal and Lanius. Their home world and all sectors under their control are engulfed in enormous nebulae. They developed on an ocean planet which lead to them evolving unique telepathic abilities in order to overcome the general lack of visibility. As a result, Slug ships aren't built with sensors; the telepathic powers of the crew are just as effective, if not more so, than any electronic system. This leaves them at a distinct disadvantage outside nebulae however, so that even within their sectors they are almost never seen outside the concealing clouds. While not as aggressive as the Rockmen or the Mantis, Slugs are both greedy and deceitful. They prey upon ships that wander into their home systems, often leading them into traps, as well as resort to piracy in other systems.

Slugs can see into adjacent rooms connected to the one they're standing in. They can also detect enemy crew members on your ship or theirs.

Race characteristics
  • Immune to mind control
  • Reveals live enemy crew (drones are undetectable)
  • Grants vision of adjacent rooms' interior
Blue options


Ancient ancestors of the Rockmen.
Crystal1 Crystal2 Crystal3 Crystal4

Descended from a splinter group of Rockmen who rejected their species' violent ways long ago, the Crystalmen are almost completely unknown in the galaxy, having hidden from all other sentient life. They can be encountered as starting crew on the Crystal Cruisers, in Tektite (the 3rd layout of the rock ship), in the Dense asteroid field distress call event, or within the Crystal Homeworlds itself (they are at shops to recruit/found as prisoners/etc as the only race there). Acquiring a Crystal crew member from the aforementioned event allows The Crystal Cruiser quest.

Race characteristics
  • Hitpoints: 125
  • Movement speed: 80%
  • Fire-fighting speed: 83%
  • -50% suffocation damage
  • Lockdown ability
Blue options
Crystal Lockdown

Crystals possess a Lockdown ability (activated in the crew box or with a default keyboard shortcut set to "P"). When activated, the crystals appear in the room and create a coating around it preventing anyone from entering or leaving; if timed correctly, a room can be coated with crystals while a Crystal crew is leaving it (thus, avoiding contact with enemy crew or other hazards, like fires or suffocation). The crystal coating wears off over time and lasts 12 seconds. The ability requires 50 seconds to recharge (i.e. 38 seconds downtime). A door covered with crystals is hard but possible to break through: at least 5 crew are required to start punching the door almost immediately to be able to break it (just before the crystals melt down); more crew break the locked down door faster.

The Doors system level doesn't affect the strength of the crystal coating, and if the coating gets broken then the door will be broken as well and will be stuck open for 7 seconds (just like any broken door). The Lockdown also resets the "health" of the room's blast doors. This applies to the doors of a hacked room as well, meaning a well-timed lockdown can extend the time your crew are damaging the systems. However, if a room is locked down with crystals before a hacking drone attaches to the system, then the room's door takes only 4 hits to be broken after the coating disappears (instead of regular 10 hits, on Hard mode); but another lockdown will reset the doors health and also protect it while the coating lasts.

While a room is covered with crystal coating, it is impossible to manually open or close the doors, but not the airlocks. Nevertheless, it is possible to open all doors simultaneously (the default keyboard shortcut is set to "Z") in order to override this limitation and create a suffocation trap (any other rooms' doors can be closed manually as necessary).

The Lockdown ability is instantly recharged after an FTL jump, unless a Crystal crew is in the Clone Bay.

Crystal Lockdown Bomb is completely identical in its effects.


AE Content Enabled (clear corners) This section describes content that
only appears in Advanced Edition.
These anaerobic beings seem friendly enough.
Lanius1 Lanius2 Lanius3 Lanius4

The Lanius are a metallic scavenger race prone to aggression, whose biological composition somehow drains oxygen from the rooms they occupy, making them potentially deadly adversaries. They arrived to the FTL universe with the release of FTL: Advanced Edition.

The Lanius are scavengers — metallic lifeforms that rely on the absorption of minerals to sustain themselves. Their society ebbs and flows in hibernation cycles; they may lie dormant for many years, even while hurtling through space. As soon as they become aware of significant metal deposits, they reawaken. Usually, this occurs in the dying stages of a galactic civilization or in the wake of intergalactic war.

Reports of reawakened Lanius have appeared in many of the war-torn and abandoned sectors of Federation Space. Their arrival has created panic as they indiscriminately seek out sources of metal — although more diplomatic individuals have suggested that they can be reasoned with.

They drain Oxygen about as fast as a hull breach in a single square. You can follow the same process used to feed oxygen to a breached room to sustain the oxygen in the room your Lanius crewmen share with other crewmen.

Race characteristics
  • Movement speed: 85%
  • Immune to suffocation
  • Drains oxygen from an occupied room (at the rate of a breach)
Blue options

Special events crew[]

These crewmembers are obtained through choosing particular options during specific events and come with unique pre-defined names. Some of them have maximum training in all skills.

Name Race Skills Event Occurrence Description
Envoy zoltan fully trained Unarmed Zoltan transport once per game
  • choose "2. Hear them out", then
  • at the quest beacon choose consecutively:
    • "2. Attempt to hail them"
    • "1. Perhaps there could be a reconciliation of our ideals without war?"
    • "2. True progress can only be achieved without bloodshed"
  • the event sequence unlocks the Zoltan Cruiser and rewards either with the Envoy or the Zoltan Shield augmentation
Kazaak mantis fully trained Legendary thief KazaaakplethKilik once per game
  • kill enemy crew, then consecutively use:
    • Crew Teleporter level 1+ or Sensors level 3 blue option
    • Medbay level 2+ or Clone Bay level 2+ blue option
  • this event unlocks the Mantis Cruiser, recruits Kazaaak, and spawns a quest beacon with a weapon and scrap reward
Virus engi fully trained The Engi virus once per
  • use Engi crew blue option (you lose 1 Engi from your crew), then
    • defeat the enemy ship to get the usual rewards and your renewed Engi crew back (forced fight)
Ruwen crystal random
0-2 skills
Zoltan research facility once or twice per once per
Ariadne rock random
0-2 skills
Rock bride transport once per
  • choose "2. Refuse to comply" to receive her as a crew, then
    • fight a rock ship (forced fight)
Charlie random /
0-2 / 1 / all
Single life form on moon once per sector
  • multiple sectors,
    at a distress beacon
  • in one of the two branches of the event a level 3 Medbay blue option allows receiving a crew with level 1 training in all skills
Dr. Jones random random
0-2 skills
Fire on research station once per sector
  • multiple sectors,
    at a distress beacon
  • choose "2. Dock and try to rescue the survivors" option (50% success chance)
Robert Smith mantis random
0-2 skills
Confused Mantis once per
  • use Human crew blue option, then
    • choose "1. Offer him a position on your ship"
Slocknog slug random
0-2 skills
Slocknog once per
  • choose "1. Hire Slocknog" to pay 55 scrap to get him as a crew
  • choose "2. Ignore Slocknog", then "1. Rescue him" to receive him as a crew at no price
  • the skill set can differ in case of hiring and rescuing
Translator lanius random
0-2 skills
Lanius trader with translator once per
  • choose "3. Decline but ask about their translation device"
    • pay 40 scrap to receive him as a crew

Crew races comparison[]

Crew races comparison
Race Store cost Maximum health Repair speed Fire-fighting speed Combat damage Movement speed Blue options Special characteristics
45 Ftlgame-scrap 100 ×1 10.4 ×1 ×1 1
  • -10% experience requirements
50 Ftlgame-scrap 100 ×2 5.2 ×0.5 ×1 8
55 Ftlgame-scrap 100 ×0.5 20.8 ×1.5 ×1.2 2 (3)
55 Ftlgame-scrap 150 ×1 6.2 ×1 ×0.5 5 (6)
  • Immune to fire
60 Ftlgame-scrap 70 ×1 10.4 ×1 ×1 2
  • Adds or replaces 1 power bar to an occupied system
  • Can add or remove power from ion-locked systems
  • Explodes upon dying, dealing 15 HP damage to all enemy crew in the room
45 Ftlgame-scrap 100 ×1 10.4 ×1 ×1 10 (11)
  • Immune to mind control
  • Reveals live enemy crew
  • Grants vision of adjacent rooms' interior
50 Ftlgame-scrap 100 ×1 10.4 ×1 ×0.85 11
  • Immune to suffocation
  • Drains oxygen from an occupied room
60 Ftlgame-scrap 125 ×1 12.5 ×1 ×0.8 3


  • Repair speed: all crew complete one repair animation per second.
  • Fire-fighting speed: the fire-fighting speed multiplier for Rockmen (×1.67) and Crystals (x0.83) were acquired with datamining.
  • Combat damage: the default damage dealt by unmodified crew varies randomly between 3 and 7 HP per hit, an average of 5 damage per hit. System sabotage damage is the same for all crew and cannot be increased.
  • Movement speed: Lanius speed is not specified in-game, and was measured by testing crew speed.
  • Crew dying animation: different races take different amounts of time to complete their dying animation. This affects when the cloning starts, and when the crew kills against enemies with a clone bay register. It also affects when the dead crewmember's position in a room becomes free for another to take their place. Crew during their dying animation deals sabotage damage if no opposing crew is present (e.g. on Auto-ships). The values are: Rock, Crystal, Engi = 2 sec; Humans, Slugs, Lanius = 1.8 sec; Mantis = 1.7 sec; Zoltans = 1.5 sec.

Crew races cost and rarity[]

The possible crew races, and how common they are, depends on the sector. The values: 1 is common, 5 is rare. For a different view of the table, look here. The crew rarity also defines what crew races can be present on a pirate ship in a certain sector type.

Crew cost and rarity in stores, by sectors
Race /
Lanius [1]
Crystal [2]
Civilian, Pirate, Rebel, The Last Stand 1 2 2 3 5
Engi 3 1 4
Zoltan 2 3 3 3 1 3
Mantis 2 3 1 4
Rock 2 1 3
Abandoned 2 3 3 3 4 4 2
Slug Nebulas 2 4 4 4 4 2
Uncharted Nebula 1 4 4 4 4 3
Cost 45 Ftlgame-scrap 50 Ftlgame-scrap 55 Ftlgame-scrap 55 Ftlgame-scrap 60 Ftlgame-scrap 45 Ftlgame-scrap 50 Ftlgame-scrap 60 Ftlgame-scrap
  1. Advanced Edition Content.
  2. Purchasable only in the Hidden Crystal Worlds sector.

Crew races blue options[]

Crystal crew[]

Engi crew[]

Human crew[]

Lanius crew[]

Mantis crew[]

Rockman crew[]

Slug crew[]

Zoltan crew[]


  • Kazaaakpleth is a Mantis that can be found as a pilot in Subset's 2018 game, Into the Breach.
  • Ariadne is a female Rockman that can be found as a pilot in Subset's 2018 game, Into the Breach.
  • Mafan is a Zoltan that can be found as a pilot in Subset's 2018 game, Into the Breach.