- Ancient ancestors of the Rockmen.
Descended from a splinter group of Rockmen who rejected their species' violent ways long ago, the Crystalmen are almost completely unknown in the galaxy, having hidden from all other sentient life. They can be encountered as starting crew on the Crystal Cruisers, in Tektite (the 3rd layout of the rock ship), in the Dense asteroid field distress call event, or within the Crystal Homeworlds itself (they are at shops to recruit/found as prisoners/etc as the only race there). Acquiring a Crystal crew member from the aforementioned event allows The Crystal Cruiser quest.
Race characteristics[]
- Hitpoints: 125
- Movement speed: 80%
- Fire-fighting speed: 83%
- -50% suffocation damage
- Lockdown ability
Blue options[]
- Ancient device
- Crystal civilian question
- Crystalline cache (equivalent of Breach Missiles)
Crystal Lockdown[]
Crystals possess a Lockdown ability (activated in the crew box or with a default keyboard shortcut set to "P"). When activated, the crystals appear in the room and create a coating around it preventing anyone from entering or leaving; if timed correctly, a room can be coated with crystals while a Crystal crew is leaving it (thus, avoiding contact with enemy crew or other hazards, like fires or suffocation). The crystal coating wears off over time and lasts 12 seconds. The ability requires 50 seconds to recharge (i.e. 38 seconds downtime). A door covered with crystals is hard but possible to break through: at least 5 crew are required to start punching the door almost immediately to be able to break it (just before the crystals melt down); more crew break the locked down door faster.
The Doors system level doesn't affect the strength of the crystal coating, and if the coating gets broken then the door will be broken as well and will be stuck open for 7 seconds (just like any broken door). The Lockdown also resets the "health" of the room's blast doors. This applies to the doors of a hacked room as well, meaning a well-timed lockdown can extend the time your crew are damaging the systems. However, if a room is locked down with crystals before a hacking drone attaches to the system, then the room's door takes only 4 hits to be broken after the coating disappears (instead of regular 10 hits, on Hard mode); but another lockdown will reset the doors health and also protect it while the coating lasts.
While a room is covered with crystal coating, it is impossible to manually open or close the doors, but not the airlocks. Nevertheless, it is possible to open all doors simultaneously (the default keyboard shortcut is set to "Z") in order to override this limitation and create a suffocation trap (any other rooms' doors can be closed manually as necessary).
The Lockdown ability is instantly recharged after an FTL jump, unless a Crystal crew is in the Clone Bay.
Crystal Lockdown Bomb is completely identical in its effects.
See also[]
- Crew races (comparison) (includes other specific characteristics and describes the listed ones)
- Crew races (cost and rarity)
- The crystal race was created for a donor that contributed 2,000 USD to FTL's Kickstarter campaign.