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FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki

PilotingCircle Piloting is the only system that requires a crewmember to be fully functional.


  • Crew presence in the Piloting room and powered Engines are required for the system to be fully functional: enabling ship evasion, charging the FTL Drive and making an FTL Jump.
  • Evasion is gained from powered Engines, engines manning bonus (determined by the crewmember's engines skill), piloting manning bonus (determined by the crewmember's piloting skill).
  • The FTL Drive charge rate depends on the Engines system level and the engines skill level of the engines-manning crewmember.
    • FTL Recharge Booster augmentation multiplies charge time by 80%, two of them by 67%, and three of them by 57%.
    • The FTL Drive will not charge if there is no crew in the piloting room (i.e. while your ship is on auto-pilot).
  • Upgraded Piloting system provides auto-pilot functionality, which provides a portion of evasion granted by Engines and engines crew manning bonus (50% evasion for Piloting-2, 80% evasion for Piloting-3).
  • Upgraded Piloting can be used as a blue option in some events.
  • Can be upgraded in Specialty work on your ship event.

System Upgrades[]

Level Cost Evasion % of the total available evasion
with crew without crew
1 - 100% 0%
2 20 Ftlgame-scrap 100% 50%
3 50 Ftlgame-scrap 100% 80%