FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki
FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki

This is a Random Event. Occurs in:

  1. Pirate Controlled Sector

The intro text for this event varies, and could be any of the following:

  • Sensors go wild as a nearby pulsar is detected. While you are attempting to recalibrate the FTL drive, a pirate sneaks up on your ship, weapons charging. Prepare for a fight!
  • You arrive to find a pulsar dominating the view screen. You see a small silhouette pass in front of the star. Before you can ponder what it is, warning signals go off. It appears to be a ship in a firing trajectory!
  • A small research station orbits a nearby pulsar. It appears largely abandoned, but you detect power signatures flaring up as soon as you're in scanning distance. A small combat ship launches from the station. Pirates!
    • Fight a Pirate ship (default rewards).


This event is called "PIRATE_PULSAR" in the datafiles.
