FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki
FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki

This random event occurs in:

A ship re-fueling station is stationed at this beacon. We can purchase fuel here.

  1. Buy 6 Fuel for 12 Scrap.  [ Scrap lost:12 ]
    • "Thank you for your business."
      • You receive Fuel gained:6.
  2. Buy 3 Fuel for 6 Scrap.  [ Scrap lost:6 ]
    • "Thank you for your business."
      • You receive Fuel gained:3.
  3. Buy 1 Fuel for 2 Scrap.  [ Scrap lost:2 ]
    • "Thank you for your business."
      • You receive Fuel gained:1.
  4. Ignore the station.
    • Nothing happens.


This event is called "REFUEL_STATION" in the datafiles.
