FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki
FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki

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You arrive to find a Slug ship in the middle of boarding a disabled Rock freighter.

  1. Engage the Slug ship.
    • You charge the weapons and the Slugs immediately back down. When you return to the freighter, the Rockmen have already repaired the worst of their damage and jump away without another word.
    • You charge weapons and the Slugs quickly change course to meet your charge.
      • Fight a Slug ship.
        • After defeating the Slug ship you may find that the Rock ship has long been abandoned. You strip what you can from it.
          • Receive Missiles, Drone Parts, Scrap, Drone Schematic.
        • (After kill the crew) With the Slugs no longer a threat, you strip the ship and return to the Rockmen. 
          •  Receive Fuel, Missiles, Scrap,
            • After the battle the Rock ship hails you. Their captain simply says, "Thanks." and jumps away. That's pretty gracious of them, considering the Rockmen's reputation.
        • It appears that the Rock Ship left during your battle. You doubt they could have been more ungrateful for your assistance.
  2. Ignore them.