FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki
FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki

This is a meta page, not a content page. It discusses building and maintaining the FTL wiki.
In this case: how to write Random Events pages.


These are conventions of how to write Random Events pages. If you want to discuss the contents of this page, please do so in the comments below.

These are guidelines, not rules, and only exist to make a common page design that aims to be intuitive and informative. Remember, both newcomers and veterans should find these pages useful.

Basic event layout[]

The layout of a standard event page should look like the following:

General layout[]

Optional templates like {{Spoiler}} and {{Stub}}.

{{Random Events}}-template followed by the {{Locations}}-template.

Event introduction text, exactly as written, with italic text formatting

  1. Choice text exactly as written, using a numbered list (#) without any text formatting.
    • Subevent text, exactly as written, with italic text formatting, using a bullet sub-list (*)
      • Rewards should make use of the {{Rewards}}-template
    • Text of another possible subevent
      • Ship fights should make use of the {{Fight}}-template.
        • Ship fights that yields customized rewards should make use of the {{Winning}}-template.
  2. Text of another choice.
  3. Blue options should make use of the {{Blue Option}}-template, and be followed by the text "(Requires level X [[System]])" if applicable.
    • The text "Nothing happens." should be used if the event ends after a choice, without any text formatting.

Quest Heading[]

TODO: Describe that quest text behaves exactly like event text.

Example layout[]

TODO: Do a concrete example of the general layout, replacing descriptions with concrete page text.

Special cases[]

TODO: Talk about special cases like e.g. multiple introduction texts and quests used by multiple events
